Thursday, 21 February 2013


She wanted masts and nets.
She wanted spray at sunrise.
She wanted a fisherman...someone to bring home the bacon.
She wanted tuna and swordfish.
She wanted bass and tarragon...mackerel and rosemary.
She wanted garlands of flowers.
Roses...She wanted roses.
She wanted laurels like the Romans.
She wanted laurels around her lover's head.
She wanted Italy...especially Sicily.
She wanted a hut near the shore.
She wanted to go to a church and light candles.
She wanted Etna's eternal fire in her
She wanted little bambinos...babies would be too tame.
She wanted to sleep soundly with them each night.
She had a dream of a fisherman...her lover.
She wanted a Phoenician...a Greek...or a Carthaginian.
She would not settle for less.
She wanted to see the bay at Taormina.
She wanted Sicily..."fairest garden of the Mediterranean"...
She wanted masts and nets.
She wanted sunrise and spray.
She wanted tuna...swordfish... roses...garlands...dreams...
She had to have dreams...
(Hayling Island - 1975/76)


  1. Rings a bell from all that far off time & place! Yes. Good one. No piety, all verve! Heart energy imagination! Good one Bernard. Get back into that, man!

    1. In fact rewrote and edited the piece, this evening ...30 years later. You could just be right = let the writing "sit" !!! :-)
