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golden goji hermitage
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...this afternoon, after 2 hours in the garden and having prepared the vegetable mash for supper, i lay on the sofa watching the rain drops multiply on the window and listening to the chanting of KRISHNA DAS. The sky was just a light grey blanket of clouds...no scuddings as of other afternoons and evenings and no summer sun when i would bask in the warmth until the high hedge at the bottom of the garden intervened.At present i can almost adopt the natural rhythm of watching the dawn break when I rise to practice yoga and sit... AND go to bed after supper soon after it gets dark. Watching the sky and the clouds and the waving branches and leaves of trees in a breeze is refreshment and fulfilment enuf...... In the U.K. one would spend a lot of time in bed adhering to the rhythm of day into night and night into day for it to govern ones activity......But at this time of year it makes for an interesting and natural pattern for ones life...* * *