Whilst up amongst clouds in the house's upper reaches this a'noon, i pulled-out a little pamphlet by LARRY EIGNER = "Clouding", Portents #10, published in 1968 by Samuel Charters......and as i read and recalled, a little, those first lines on the cover and turned the page to continue, out fell another rare little pamphlet = PAUL BLACKBURN'S copy of LARRY EIGNER'S "The Music, The Rooms", DESERT REVIEW PRESS, New Mexico...i'd clean forgotten i had it! Probably bought it from Jack Shoemaker's SAND DOLLAR BOOKS in the 1970's via Mail Order.
It has always been Americans with whom i really connected...so generous and up-for-it...New Worlders!
It was Jack Shoemaker's Maya Quarto series, of letterpress chapbooks, which inspired me to start publishing under my own imprint = STINGY ARTIST EDITIONS, in 1978. The first publication was MONTALE'S TYPOS by Kris Hemensley (lucky to have a poet/writer in the family...THE poet/writer in the family)...AND the second publication was LARRY EIGNER's "FLAGPOLE RIDING" with whom i was already corresponding -(still living in SWAMPSCOTT, at the time)... i was put onto him by my brother, Kris, as Eigner was a favourite and i'd been reading him since i'd seen his poems in Clayton Eshleman's CATERPILLAR magazine and saw the adverts for BLACK SPARROW PRESS in it. i ordered "AIR THE TREES" by LARRY EIGNER, "THE DAYS RUN AWAY LIKE WILD HORSES OVER THE HILLS" by CHARLES BUKOWSKI and "FRAGMENT" by JOHN ASHBERRY:the beginnings of my collection...circa 1969...and the beginnings of a tenuous affair. BUT so many years later, after times of thinking that i would REALLY like to be like that original "Stingy Artist" and "disappear" into the mountains, i am more pleased than not, to have a "hermitage" full of some little thoughts and these attendant "little" books...

Golden GOJI Hermitage
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