"ETZ" is an International poetry magazine, emanating from Australia, and is edited by PETE SPENCE...
* * *[i] [ii] [iii][iv][v][vi][vii]* * *At the same time, was happy to have a poem of mine included in this issue of ETZ. Pete's idea was to feature poets who also took fotos. Thus, poem, and fotos on the covers. Was very grateful to be given an outing by Mr.Spence.* * * *Golden GOJI Hermitage27/march/2014*(The next blog will bring-up 300 posts.)* * *
blackthorn's petals
had fallen
on the boards
outside the door.
giving them
every encouragement
i'd swept-away
winter's debris.
This morning
going out
an "AH"
my mouth.
Golden GOJI Hermitage
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A star shines thru the plum tree's blossomed silhouette...Crescent moon dips-down towards the tree-line of the bay...Enough light to see the pathways carved-out in the longish grass by the neighbour's black and white cat - it obviously loves this garden...Earlier, our paths crossed out back...Heard it's neck-bell tinkering from the side- gate along the wall in my direction...i whispered-out encouragingly...The bell responded closer...In the quiet moments following, saw the cat's white chest blaze...It was looking at me from beside the water-butt...Cat seemingly considering my entreaties to come closer...Maybe i had spoiled feline's fishing for frogs from pond-side...Sensed disdain in the tinkering bell as cat scampered back the way it had come...Ah, Bob Marley on the radio...No woman, no cry...*
Golden GOJI Hermitage
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